The Selby enters the home of multi-talented designer, producer and rapper Pharrell Williams in this latest feature. Over the years, we’ve seen many Williams’ so-called toys and commissioned art pieces all make an appearance including KAWS and Murakami as well as work from Keith Haring. The shoot took place at Williams’ beach-side home in Miami.
More Photos Here
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
2018 World Cup -> Russia, 2022 World Cup -> Qatar.....where???
The FIFA Executive Committee has chosen Russia to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup™, while the 2022 FIFA World Cup™ was awarded to Qatar. FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter announced the result of the FIFA Executive Committee's secret vote on Thursday 2 December 2010 in Zurich’s Messe.
In lauding the victorious nations, the FIFA President also made a point of praising those who missed out. He said: “I have to say thanks to to the Executive Committee of FIFA because for 2018 and 2022 we go to new lands, because the FIFA World Cup has never been in eastern Europe or the Middle East. So, I'm a happy president when we speak of the development of football.
"But I have to give big compliments to all the bidders for the big job they have done and the messages they have delivered. All have delivered the message that football is more than just a game. Football is not only about winning; it is also a school of life where you must learn to lose, and that is not easy.”
England, Netherlands and Belgium, Spain and Portugal, and Russia all submitted bids for the right to stage the 2018 finals. Both England and Spain are previous FIFA World Cup hosts, with the 1966 tournament on English soil ending in the Three Lions' only world crown to date. The Iberians staged the 1982 edition of world football’s showpiece event, when the Trophy was won by Italy.
Igor Shuvalov, Russia's deputy prime minister, vowed that his country would justify the faith placed in them by the Executive Committee. He said: “You have entrusted us with the FIFA World Cup for 2018 and I can promise that you will never regret it. Let us make history together.”
Five candidates were bidding to stage the 2022 edition of the world’s greatest sporting event. As well as eventual winners Qatar, Australia, Korea Republic, Japan and USA also submitted bids for the highly-sought after hosting rights. USA, Japan and Korea had all previously staged the FIFA World Cup finals, with Japan and Korea becoming the tournament’s first joint-hosts back in 2002. The 1994 finals took place in the US.
A clearly delighted Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani also expressed gratitude for the honour of hosting football's greatest tournament, while insisting that Qatar's historic FIFA World Cup would meet all expectations. "Thank you for believing in change, for expanding the game and for giving Qatar a chance," he said. "You will be proud of us - and you will be proud of the Middle East. I promise you this
The final presentations and the announcement of the host nations for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups was one of the biggest media events ever seen in Switzerland. Some 70 TV stations reported live from the official announcement at Zurich Exhibition Centre, where around 1,000 reporters from all over the world also covered the event.
In lauding the victorious nations, the FIFA President also made a point of praising those who missed out. He said: “I have to say thanks to to the Executive Committee of FIFA because for 2018 and 2022 we go to new lands, because the FIFA World Cup has never been in eastern Europe or the Middle East. So, I'm a happy president when we speak of the development of football.
"But I have to give big compliments to all the bidders for the big job they have done and the messages they have delivered. All have delivered the message that football is more than just a game. Football is not only about winning; it is also a school of life where you must learn to lose, and that is not easy.”
England, Netherlands and Belgium, Spain and Portugal, and Russia all submitted bids for the right to stage the 2018 finals. Both England and Spain are previous FIFA World Cup hosts, with the 1966 tournament on English soil ending in the Three Lions' only world crown to date. The Iberians staged the 1982 edition of world football’s showpiece event, when the Trophy was won by Italy.
"or 2018 and 2022 we go to new lands, because the FIFA World Cup has never been in eastern Europe or the Middle East."
FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter
Five candidates were bidding to stage the 2022 edition of the world’s greatest sporting event. As well as eventual winners Qatar, Australia, Korea Republic, Japan and USA also submitted bids for the highly-sought after hosting rights. USA, Japan and Korea had all previously staged the FIFA World Cup finals, with Japan and Korea becoming the tournament’s first joint-hosts back in 2002. The 1994 finals took place in the US.
A clearly delighted Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani also expressed gratitude for the honour of hosting football's greatest tournament, while insisting that Qatar's historic FIFA World Cup would meet all expectations. "Thank you for believing in change, for expanding the game and for giving Qatar a chance," he said. "You will be proud of us - and you will be proud of the Middle East. I promise you this
The final presentations and the announcement of the host nations for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups was one of the biggest media events ever seen in Switzerland. Some 70 TV stations reported live from the official announcement at Zurich Exhibition Centre, where around 1,000 reporters from all over the world also covered the event.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thank You Scientists!
Sleep is a fundamental component of animal biology. New evidence confirms that, in humans, its timing reflects intelligence. People with higher IQs (intelligence quotients) tend to be more active nocturnally, going to bed later, whereas those with lower IQs usually retire to bed sooner after nightfall.
The precise function of sleep is arguable. But, accumulating evidence shows that lack of sleep in humans and animals can result in obesity, high blood pressure and reduced life spans. Drowsiness impairs mental performance. For instance, 37 per cent of all motor vehicle accidents are caused by drowsy motorists, according to a University of Pennsylvania study. Even minor sleep deficiencies impact on body chemistry.
According to Juliette Faraco of Stanford University, sleep loss generates a proportionate need for "sleep rebound".
One of the most controversial and significant recent findings is the correlation in humans between the earliness/lateness of sleep preferences and intelligence.
Robert Bolizs at Semmelweist University, and his coworkers, have shown that encephalograms during sleep illustrate how sleep elements are directly related to "wakeful cognitive performance." Studies by researchers H. Aliasson and colleagues show the timing of intervals of sleep "correlates closely" with student academic achievement.
Extensive research by Satoshi Kanazawa and colleagues at the London School of Economics and Political Science have uncovered significant differences in sleep-timing preferences among people, depending on their IQ scores.
People with higher IQs are more apt to be nocturnal night-owls. Those with lower IQs tend to restrict their activities primarily to daytime.
People who prefer to go to bed early, and who are early-risers, demonstrate "morningness," whereas those whose sleep patterns are shifted later demonstrate "eveningness." Researchers say eveningness tends to be a characteristic of those with higher IQs.
According to Kanazawa, ancestral humans were typically diurnal, and that a shift towards more nocturnal activities is an "evolutionarily novel preference" of the type normally found in more intelligent individuals, demonstrating "a higher level of cognitive complexity" in the practitioners.
Recent studies at the University of Bologna suggest early-risers are comparatively more conscientious people. Related studies indicate eveningness is often age-related and that eveningness usually peaks at between 17-21 years of age; thereafter morningness becomes more prevalent.
A 2008 study by psychologist Marina Giamnietro and colleagues indicates evening-types tend to be less reliable, less emotionally stable and more apt to suffer from depression, addictions and eating disorders.
Morningness or eveningness are often genetically-based, according to researchers Lambertus Klei at Carnegie Mellon Univesity, Patrick Rietz at the University of Pittsburgh and their associates. In 2008, studies at Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry demonstrated sleep-time preferences are often inherited, and subsequent data indicates that 50 per cent of sleep-time choices are dictated by genetic factors.
"Hypocretins" are inextricably linked to sleep/wakefulness, according to Stanford University research. Hypocretins react with "wake-up" cell groups, including dopamine.
Sleep parameters vary among animals. Cows, for instance, sleep open-eyed. Horses sleep standing up. Some birds can sleep in flight, others while standing. Dolphins sleep in one-half of their brain while the other half remains awake. Bats need 19.9 hours of sleep every 24 hours, lions need 13.5, rats 13, cats 12.5, whales 5.3, deer 3.1, giraffes 1.9, most birds three to eight and donkeys three.
The precise function of sleep is arguable. But, accumulating evidence shows that lack of sleep in humans and animals can result in obesity, high blood pressure and reduced life spans. Drowsiness impairs mental performance. For instance, 37 per cent of all motor vehicle accidents are caused by drowsy motorists, according to a University of Pennsylvania study. Even minor sleep deficiencies impact on body chemistry.
According to Juliette Faraco of Stanford University, sleep loss generates a proportionate need for "sleep rebound".
One of the most controversial and significant recent findings is the correlation in humans between the earliness/lateness of sleep preferences and intelligence.
Robert Bolizs at Semmelweist University, and his coworkers, have shown that encephalograms during sleep illustrate how sleep elements are directly related to "wakeful cognitive performance." Studies by researchers H. Aliasson and colleagues show the timing of intervals of sleep "correlates closely" with student academic achievement.
Extensive research by Satoshi Kanazawa and colleagues at the London School of Economics and Political Science have uncovered significant differences in sleep-timing preferences among people, depending on their IQ scores.
People with higher IQs are more apt to be nocturnal night-owls. Those with lower IQs tend to restrict their activities primarily to daytime.
People who prefer to go to bed early, and who are early-risers, demonstrate "morningness," whereas those whose sleep patterns are shifted later demonstrate "eveningness." Researchers say eveningness tends to be a characteristic of those with higher IQs.
According to Kanazawa, ancestral humans were typically diurnal, and that a shift towards more nocturnal activities is an "evolutionarily novel preference" of the type normally found in more intelligent individuals, demonstrating "a higher level of cognitive complexity" in the practitioners.
Recent studies at the University of Bologna suggest early-risers are comparatively more conscientious people. Related studies indicate eveningness is often age-related and that eveningness usually peaks at between 17-21 years of age; thereafter morningness becomes more prevalent.
A 2008 study by psychologist Marina Giamnietro and colleagues indicates evening-types tend to be less reliable, less emotionally stable and more apt to suffer from depression, addictions and eating disorders.
Morningness or eveningness are often genetically-based, according to researchers Lambertus Klei at Carnegie Mellon Univesity, Patrick Rietz at the University of Pittsburgh and their associates. In 2008, studies at Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry demonstrated sleep-time preferences are often inherited, and subsequent data indicates that 50 per cent of sleep-time choices are dictated by genetic factors.
"Hypocretins" are inextricably linked to sleep/wakefulness, according to Stanford University research. Hypocretins react with "wake-up" cell groups, including dopamine.
Sleep parameters vary among animals. Cows, for instance, sleep open-eyed. Horses sleep standing up. Some birds can sleep in flight, others while standing. Dolphins sleep in one-half of their brain while the other half remains awake. Bats need 19.9 hours of sleep every 24 hours, lions need 13.5, rats 13, cats 12.5, whales 5.3, deer 3.1, giraffes 1.9, most birds three to eight and donkeys three.
Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta: Grade A Badass
Today, President Obama awarded Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta the Medal of Honor, making him the first living recipient of the award since the Vietnam War. The tale of how he earned this distinction should pretty much guarantee that this man never has to buy another beer in his life. From President Obama’s remarks:
Salvatore Giunta’s time came on October 25, 2007. He was a Specialist then, just 22 years old.
Sal and his platoon were several days into a mission in the Korengal Valley — the most dangerous valley in northeast Afghanistan. The moon was full. The light it cast was enough to travel by without using their night-vision goggles. With heavy gear on their backs, and air support overhead, they made their way single file down a rocky ridge crest, along terrain so steep that sliding was sometimes easier than walking.
They hadn’t traveled a quarter mile before the silence was shattered. It was an ambush, so close that the cracks of the guns and the whizz of the bullets were simultaneous. Tracer fire hammered the ridge at hundreds of rounds per minute — “more,” Sal said later, “than the stars in the sky.”
The Apache gunships above saw it all, but couldn’t engage with the enemy so close to our soldiers. The next platoon heard the shooting, but were too far away to join the fight in time.
And the two lead men were hit by enemy fire and knocked down instantly. When the third was struck in the helmet and fell to the ground, Sal charged headlong into the wall of bullets to pull him to safety behind what little cover there was. As he did, Sal was hit twice — one round slamming into his body armor, the other shattering a weapon slung across his back.
They were pinned down, and two wounded Americans still lay up ahead. So Sal and his comrades regrouped and counterattacked. They threw grenades, using the explosions as cover to run forward, shooting at the muzzle flashes still erupting from the trees. Then they did it again. And again. Throwing grenades, charging ahead. Finally, they reached one of their men. He’d been shot twice in the leg, but he had kept returning fire until his gun jammed.
As another soldier tended to his wounds, Sal sprinted ahead, at every step meeting relentless enemy fire with his own. He crested a hill alone, with no cover but the dust kicked up by the storm of bullets still biting into the ground. There, he saw a chilling sight: the silhouettes of two insurgents carrying the other wounded American away — who happened to be one of Sal’s best friends. Sal never broke stride. He leapt forward. He took aim. He killed one of the insurgents and wounded the other, who ran off.
Sal found his friend alive, but badly wounded. Sal had saved him from the enemy — now he had to try to save his life. Even as bullets impacted all around him, Sal grabbed his friend by the vest and dragged him to cover. For nearly half an hour, Sal worked to stop the bleeding and help his friend breathe until the MEDEVAC arrived to lift the wounded from the ridge. American gunships worked to clear the enemy from the hills. And with the battle over, First Platoon picked up their gear and resumed their march through the valley. They continued their mission.
It had been as intense and violent a firefight as any soldier will experience. By the time it was finished, every member of First Platoon had shrapnel or a bullet hole in their gear. Five were wounded. And two gave their lives: Sal’s friend, Sergeant Joshua C. Brennan, and the platoon medic, Specialist Hugo V. Mendoza.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Call of Duty: Black Ops TV Commercial: "There's A Soldier In All Of Us"
I don't know how well this game will actually do in market but I absolutely love this commercial, still up in the air as to if I will buy it or not.
New University of Oregon Basketball Court
As you’re well aware, Nike and the University of Oregon go together like ham and burger, thanks in no small part to counting among its alumni both Nike founder Phil Knight as well as vice president for design and special projects Tinker Hatfield. The latter just finished up some of his highest profile work in years, completing the new Oregon Ducks basketball court. The darker brown framing center-court is comprised of a tree design, honoring both the Pacific Northwest’s green image as well as the 1939 Oregon national championship team known as the Tall Firs, while three graphics along the court pay tribute to the three phases of the life (so far) of Pat Kilkenny. Kilkenny is an Oregon donor and former athletic director who is the namesake of the new floor as well as being among the people most responsible for Oregon’s new basketball stadium, Matt Arena, named in honor of Phil Knight’s late son. While the above photo shows a decent picture of the court, there’s another below the cut (enlargeable if you click it, too), and you must check out the videos below for a little more background from Tinker, and logo designer, Todd Van Horne, as well as some much better shots of the floor. The videos are definitely worth watching, as the arena, and especially the floor, are truly an accomplishment in both architecture and design.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Works: John Wall Dances, and a Fool Rushes In
Colin Cowherd is an unmentionable. I don't know the man, and might not even mean it as an insult. It's a character he plays on ESPN Radio, one he's gotten a lot of mileage of. Radio is all about knowing your audience, catering to them, indulging them, and interacting with them. Throw them a bone, and they will make you rich, famous, and something of a people's god. It's the ultimate bait-and-switch, or turning-of-the-tables -- you convince them you feel like they do, and from there, the power flows like barf.
Yesterday, Cowherd let loose with his brash, take-no-prisoners assessment of John Wall's debut in DC, or at least tried to. As you'll see, ol' CC didn't bother much with the specifics of the game -- in fact, he seems to have pretty much ignored even the day-after box score -- but instead with Wall's pre-game dance routine. Wall and dancing have a long history together; he made up a rather famous move of his own at Kentucky. For his coming-out party as a Wizard, though, the ever-humble Wall decided to go with the Dougie, throwing in the John Wall as a coda. As Joey Litman put it, this one's a few months of basketball away from becoming the new Soulja Boy.
Full Article: FanHouse
Yesterday, Cowherd let loose with his brash, take-no-prisoners assessment of John Wall's debut in DC, or at least tried to. As you'll see, ol' CC didn't bother much with the specifics of the game -- in fact, he seems to have pretty much ignored even the day-after box score -- but instead with Wall's pre-game dance routine. Wall and dancing have a long history together; he made up a rather famous move of his own at Kentucky. For his coming-out party as a Wizard, though, the ever-humble Wall decided to go with the Dougie, throwing in the John Wall as a coda. As Joey Litman put it, this one's a few months of basketball away from becoming the new Soulja Boy.
Full Article: FanHouse
Monday, November 1, 2010
Chelsea & Adidas Extend Partnership
Premier League and FA Cup winners Chelsea have announced an extension to their global partnership with adidas, that will see the sports brand continue to be an official sponsor and sportswear supplier for the club over the next eight years up to the 2017/18.
The relationship was launched in 2006 when both parties created the world's largest team photo as 8,000 Chelsea fans lined up alongside the first team squad. Chelsea and adidas have since undertaken a number of successful grassroots projects. This has included partnering with America's top youth football clubs to help develop US soccer, and the launch of 'Blue Pitches' aimed at encouraging young kids to participate in sport across London with plans to roll them out internationally after the launch of a Blue Pitch in Hong Kong last year.
Ron Gourlay, Chelsea Football Club's Chief Executive, said: "We are delighted to extend our partnership until 2018 after a highly successful first four years. Both organisations are highly ambitious and want to continue in partnership to develop globally and for us, grow in our key market territories across Asia and North America. The increased value of the deal reaffirms adidas' belief in the club's growing status in world football."
Herbert Hainer, Chief Executive Officer of adidas AG, added: "Both adidas and Chelsea have a long and proud heritage in football and we're delighted to continue our working relationship with one of Europe's elite football clubs. We look forward to many more years of success, working closely with the club on product, marketing and grass roots initiatives in the UK and around the globe."
The relationship was launched in 2006 when both parties created the world's largest team photo as 8,000 Chelsea fans lined up alongside the first team squad. Chelsea and adidas have since undertaken a number of successful grassroots projects. This has included partnering with America's top youth football clubs to help develop US soccer, and the launch of 'Blue Pitches' aimed at encouraging young kids to participate in sport across London with plans to roll them out internationally after the launch of a Blue Pitch in Hong Kong last year.
Ron Gourlay, Chelsea Football Club's Chief Executive, said: "We are delighted to extend our partnership until 2018 after a highly successful first four years. Both organisations are highly ambitious and want to continue in partnership to develop globally and for us, grow in our key market territories across Asia and North America. The increased value of the deal reaffirms adidas' belief in the club's growing status in world football."
Herbert Hainer, Chief Executive Officer of adidas AG, added: "Both adidas and Chelsea have a long and proud heritage in football and we're delighted to continue our working relationship with one of Europe's elite football clubs. We look forward to many more years of success, working closely with the club on product, marketing and grass roots initiatives in the UK and around the globe."
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday x Oakley Frogskin
Sunday Bikes and Oakley team-up on a new collaboration Frogskin. Utilizing the more modern and customizable “4-Legged” Frogskin, the colorway is inspired by early 80′s BMXing and Oakley’s B-1B grips. The original B-1B grips were available in red/white and blue/white which factor into the overall colorway. Available as of November 7th at both Sunday and select Sunday dealers.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
LeBron "Rise"
SUCH a good commercial. LeBron pretty much calls out anyone who has doubted him, attacked him, and disowned him. It isn't about what you want; it's about what he wants.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Kanye West - Runaway
After numerous previews, artist Kanye West debuts his first film, Runaway, which features music from his forthcoming album “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”. Runaway is story of a phoenix played by lingerie model Selita Ebanks who falls down from the cosmos. She is rejected for her differences while on earth is eventually torn away from West and returns to her own realm. “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” is set to release November 22nd.
The music sounds amazing if these background beats are on his new album. Enjoy
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Rooney Wants Out
LONDON -- Wayne Rooney wants to leave Manchester United because of concerns that the club will not invest enough in the squad to compete for future trophies.
The England striker has almost two years remaining on his contract, but manager Alex Ferguson said on Tuesday that the 24-year-old player would not sign the new deal he had been offered by Chief Executive David Gill.
"I met with David Gill last week and he did not give me any of the assurances I was seeking about the future squad," Rooney said Wednesday in a statement. "I then told him that I would not be signing a new contract. I was interested to hear what Sir Alex had to say yesterday and surprised by some of it.
"It is absolutely true, as he said, that my agent and I have had a number of meetings with the club about a new contract. During those meetings in August I asked for assurances about the continued ability of the club to attract the top players in the world."
Rooney joined United in 2004 from boyhood club Everton for $40 million.
He has since won three Premier League titles and the Champions League. But the team only won the League Cup last season after losing Cristiano Ronaldo and striker Carlos Tevez without signing any similarly high-profile replacements.
Rooney also has seen neighbor Manchester City dramatically outspend 18-time English champion United in the last two years.
As Ferguson did on Tuesday, Rooney downplayed talk about a rift between the two -- calling the manager "a genius" -- and said his decision was based solely on an ambition to win.
"I have never had anything but complete respect for MUFC. How could I not have done given its fantastic history and especially the last six years in which I have been lucky to play a part?" Rooney said. "... Despite recent difficulties, I know I will always owe Sir Alex Ferguson a huge debt.
"He is a great manager and mentor who has helped and supported me from the day he signed me from Everton when I was only 18. For Manchester United's sake I wish he could go on forever because he's a one off and a genius."
Via: ESPN soccernet
The England striker has almost two years remaining on his contract, but manager Alex Ferguson said on Tuesday that the 24-year-old player would not sign the new deal he had been offered by Chief Executive David Gill.
"I met with David Gill last week and he did not give me any of the assurances I was seeking about the future squad," Rooney said Wednesday in a statement. "I then told him that I would not be signing a new contract. I was interested to hear what Sir Alex had to say yesterday and surprised by some of it.
"It is absolutely true, as he said, that my agent and I have had a number of meetings with the club about a new contract. During those meetings in August I asked for assurances about the continued ability of the club to attract the top players in the world."
Rooney joined United in 2004 from boyhood club Everton for $40 million.
He has since won three Premier League titles and the Champions League. But the team only won the League Cup last season after losing Cristiano Ronaldo and striker Carlos Tevez without signing any similarly high-profile replacements.
Rooney also has seen neighbor Manchester City dramatically outspend 18-time English champion United in the last two years.
As Ferguson did on Tuesday, Rooney downplayed talk about a rift between the two -- calling the manager "a genius" -- and said his decision was based solely on an ambition to win.
"I have never had anything but complete respect for MUFC. How could I not have done given its fantastic history and especially the last six years in which I have been lucky to play a part?" Rooney said. "... Despite recent difficulties, I know I will always owe Sir Alex Ferguson a huge debt.
"He is a great manager and mentor who has helped and supported me from the day he signed me from Everton when I was only 18. For Manchester United's sake I wish he could go on forever because he's a one off and a genius."
Via: ESPN soccernet
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wrong Ball
This is the play our Girl's Flag Football team won with.
2011 Nissan GT-R
Nissan’s flagship sportscar, the GT-R was recently unveiled in its latest iteration set for 2011. From the exterior new updates are offered to the car’s shape to increase downforce by 10% all while reducing drag. The car’s powerplant enjoys a substantial horsepower increase thanks to increased boost, valve timing adjustments and a re-programmed ECU taking the car’s numbers to 523 hp and 451 lbs-ft torque, bumps of 38 hp and 17 lbs-ft torque. Aside from the regular model GT-R and the V-spec, two new models are added including the Club Track Edition and the Egoist. The Club Track as the name suggests is meant mostly for sporting activities and training while the Egoist features a special quilted leather interior courtesy of Seton Company of Germany as well as other updates in aesthetics.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Oral/Visual History by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Red Hot Chili Peppers is the iconic band's audacious look back at their thirty-year odyssey—in their own words and accompanied by more than 300 spectacular photos and ephemera. Intimate, breathtaking, and outrageous, this is the essence of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
This book comes out next Tuesday, I am so excited for it. Nothing new has come from the band since 2007 and I'm looking forward to getting back in the RHCP mood. Price: $40.
This book comes out next Tuesday, I am so excited for it. Nothing new has come from the band since 2007 and I'm looking forward to getting back in the RHCP mood. Price: $40.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Apple Shares Hit $300
Shares of Apple hit a new all-time high on Wednesday morning, eclipsing $300.
At that price, Apple is now valued at $274 billion, more than Intel, Hewlett Packard and Google, and within striking distance of the world’s largest company, Exxon Mobil, which is valued at $329 billion. Apple passed archnemesis Microsoft in valuation earlier this year.
While Apple’s stock has been on a tear this year on the strength of iPad and iPhone sales, you only have to go back about a year and a half to when the global economic crisis and concerns about the health of Steve Jobs had the company trading at less than $80 per share.
At that price, Apple is now valued at $274 billion, more than Intel, Hewlett Packard and Google, and within striking distance of the world’s largest company, Exxon Mobil, which is valued at $329 billion. Apple passed archnemesis Microsoft in valuation earlier this year.
While Apple’s stock has been on a tear this year on the strength of iPad and iPhone sales, you only have to go back about a year and a half to when the global economic crisis and concerns about the health of Steve Jobs had the company trading at less than $80 per share.
Kid Cudi - Erase Me ft. Kanye West - Music Video
Yes that IS McLovin on the drums...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Brandon Flowers - Only The Young
This song is on heavy rotation on my iPod and thought I'd share the video as well. Love this song, the voice, the simplicity of the music, and the visuals in the video create a sort of trance.
Eminem on 60 Minutes
(CBS) His real name is Marshall Mathers, but you probably know him as Eminem. He is the biggest selling artist of the past decade, earning 11 Grammies, one Oscar, and mountains of criticism for lyrics that are as profane as they are poetic.
Whether you are a fan of rap or not, Eminem's life story is an extraordinary tale of success, against all odds - a story he hasn't talked much about until now.
"60 Minutes" and CNN's Anderson Cooper met up with him in his home town Detroit, in order to find out how a white kid who never made it past the ninth grade was able to propel himself to the top of a predominantly African American art form.
Video: 60 Minutes
Thank You Bobby Cox
ATLANTA -- The Giants were halfway on their trek from the mound to the clubhouse to continue their series-clinching celebration when the noise from the crowd became too loud to ignore.
The chants of "Bob-by! Bob-by!", had persisted, accompanied by a video montage on the scoreboard -- a tribute to retiring Bobby Cox, who had just finished managing the 4,641st major-league game of his career, a 3-2 loss to the Giants in Game 4 of the National League Division Series -- when the Turner Field fans grew louder as they were treated to an appearance and wave from the man of the hour.
The Giants, who even at the height of their euphoria, the franchise's first playoff series win since 2002, stopped and redirected their attention to the first-base dugout and added their own applause. Cox in turn tipped his cap and saluted the Giants, who now advance to face the Phillies in the National League Championship Series.
For a moment the congratulations coexisted before Cox descended the dugout steps for the final time as uniformed personnel, to the warm embrace of his players.
Back in the clubhouse, Cox began to address the Braves, to thank them for their service.
"The best I could," Cox said at his press conference of his attempt. "Told them I was really proud of them." He paused, leaned back in his chair and rubbed his left hand over his chin as tears welled up.
He regained his composure. "A grown man shouldn't do this."
Then Cox did something inexplicable: He reverted to talking about the lost game of that night, without the prompting of another question.
"But I can't say enough about Derek Lowe," Cox said, his voice growing livelier again. "He's going to be a 20-game winner next year, I think, if he gets any support at all."
He continued from there, discussing how his starting pitcher had worked long and hard with his pitching coach to adjust their game plan. Here he was, a retiring legend, addressing reporters who came to hear him talk one final time as Braves manager and doing so in a room where the exhilarating yells of the Giants could be heard in the background, and yet he was deflecting attention onto others.
It was classic Bobby.
The ultimate players' manager was retiring in the same way he spent his Hall of Fame career -- trying to improve the Braves.
"It's always about winning the game," said first-base coach Glenn Hubbard, who played or coached for Cox for 22 years. "And it's always been about winning the game."
On Monday night, the Giants won the game with a late rally sparked by timely hitting that was mostly absent for the Braves this series. After San Francisco rightfielder Cody Ross and Atlanta catcher Brian McCann traded solo home runs, the Braves led 2-1 in the top of the seventh when a combination of walk, single, walk, run-scoring error and RBI single from Ross put the Giants up 3-2, the lead they'd hold onto.
The Giants received their fourth straight quality start, this time from the rookie Madison Bumgarner, who got the win after throwing six innings of two-run ball. That starting pitching offers hope they'll be able to contend with the surging Phillies, whose potent offense this year has been joined by their best pitching staff, one headed by Roy Halladay, Roy Oswalt and Cole Hamels.
San Francisco's bullpen turned its first scoreless performance, as Santiago Casilla, Javier Lopez and Brian Wilson finished the Braves, who had two runners on with two outs in the ninth before Melky Cabrera grounded out to end the game.
That was the baseball Cox wanted to talk about after the game even if most of the questions were about the end of his tenure, and so he alternated between postgame manager -- all he's known for the better part of the past three decades -- and a legend set to retire.
The first question he received was, "How did that feel at the end?" Without missing a beat, the manager launched into a game summary.
"We played a really good ballgame," Cox said. "And Derek pitched great, I thought. And we got the groundballs -- they were just out of reach. We wanted this game big time to get back to San Francisco [for Game 5]. It just didn't happen. The balls were just out of reach for us, turning double plays."
Only then did he allow any sentiment to enter his answer, "I'm proud of the team. I told them that a while ago. They've come a long ways with this team. They played their hearts out, and I'll miss them."
The players said Cox didn't get far into his closed-door postgame remarks.
"He tried," veteran catcher David Ross said. "I think everybody in the here was emotional. A man like that tried to pour his heart out and couldn't -- there aren't enough good things to say about Bobby Cox."
This 2010 Braves team was about as fitting a tribute to Cox as one could find. They lost nine straight at the end of April but quickly rallied to first place. Even after they lost Chipper Jones and Martin Prado to injury, the Braves coasted along the best they could, managing to sneak into the playoffs with a final-week push.
In the postseason, however, their weaknesses were evident. The bullpen, which was pitching without Billy Wagner, who was injured in Game 2, blew leads in Games 3 and 4. The offense, only average with a healthy lineup, couldn't muster much offense without Jones or Prado.
"He's never panicked in my years with him as a coach," Hubbard said. "When we started off, we lost nine in a row, and he didn't panic. That's what I've learned from him as a coach: When you're caught in the undertow, you just keep swimming along until you get back to shore."
Even his handling of Brooks Conrad the past two days spoke volumes of who Cox has been. After Conrad made eight errors in seven games -- including three that played a key role in Atlanta's Game 3 loss -- Cox was so honest and supportive of his player that Conrad was singing Cox's praises in a brief meeting with reporters before Game 4.
"That [communication] is why he's one of the greatest managers," Conrad said.
This season was an appropriate case study of what made Bobby Cox the Atlanta institution he became, for more than just the 2,504 regular-season wins, 15 division titles (including 14 consecutively with the Braves) and one World Series championship.
"This year's remarkable what he did," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "I know how banged up they were all year. Got off to a slow start. Shows you what a genius this man is to get it back on track and to get to the playoffs. ... I'm going to miss this man, again, because I venerate him so much."
At the end of the day it was about winning for Cox. But how he won mattered, too.
"I just loved being with him," Hubbard said.
Cox will remain with the Braves on a five-year consulting contract, but he won't be in uniform -- cleats, stirrups and everything -- and thus this era of the franchise is over.
But it was something everyone could celebrate.
Read more:
FIFA looks at 13 different goal-line technology systems
ZURICH (AP) — FIFA is studying 13 different goal-line technology systems which could help match officials make more accurate decisions.
FIFA said Monday that all the project proposals were presented last week, and will be further discussed at an Oct. 20 meeting of its rule-making body, known as the International Football Association Board.
The IFAB panel will gather in Newport, Wales, to help set the agenda for its annual meeting next March when the laws of soccer can be changed.
FIFA president Sepp Blatter re-opened the debate on using technology to help match officials after a series of mistakes affected the World Cup in South Africa, and helped eliminate England and Mexico from the tournament.
Blatter had previously resisted high-tech help for referees by insisting that human error was part of the game.
The panel also is scheduled to discuss worldwide trials using additional officials behind each goal to help referees rule on goal-line judgments and penalty area decisions.
IFAB has scheduled the experiments to continue in competitions including the Champions League until June 2012. It could then approve the five-referees system for elite competitions instead of opting for technology.
FIFA did not identify the 13 companies making proposals, who will not present their systems to the panel next week.
They are expected to include the camera-based Hawk-Eye system which is currently used in tennis and cricket, and the Cairos team which has developed a microchipped ball. Both systems were rejected by IFAB in 2008 and again last March.
Swiss watch firm Longines also has been reported as a likely candidate.
IFAB is a 124-year-old body comprising the associations of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, plus FIFA representing the other 204 soccer nations. Each British member has one vote, FIFA has four and a proposed new rule needs six votes to be passed.
Via USAToday
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Smartphones abroad: What to know before you go
I am looking to study abroad in the near future and found this article very interesting on how phone companies work once you've left U.S. boarders.
(CNN) -- Sarah Evans was in Canada for just 18 hours in May but incurred a $700 phone bill in her limited time there.
"I sent four text messages, was on the phone for 20 minutes and used the wireless aircard," the Elgin, Illinois, resident said. "I opened my bill and all the blood drained from my face."
Her experience is not unusual. Though Evans eventually got that money credited back to her account, stories about outrageous phone bills are common enough to make roving mobile customers think twice. Experts say the most important thing travelers can do to prevent this from happening is take precautions before the trip.
If you don't, companies can take advantage of you, said Christopher Elliott, a consumer travel advocate...
Read it all here: CNN
(CNN) -- Sarah Evans was in Canada for just 18 hours in May but incurred a $700 phone bill in her limited time there.
"I sent four text messages, was on the phone for 20 minutes and used the wireless aircard," the Elgin, Illinois, resident said. "I opened my bill and all the blood drained from my face."
Her experience is not unusual. Though Evans eventually got that money credited back to her account, stories about outrageous phone bills are common enough to make roving mobile customers think twice. Experts say the most important thing travelers can do to prevent this from happening is take precautions before the trip.
If you don't, companies can take advantage of you, said Christopher Elliott, a consumer travel advocate...
Read it all here: CNN
Stories With a Full Background
Found these pictures on Hypebeast, thought they were very interesting. They take a look at the global events going on, show what could really be behind what's going on. Makes you think...
"Under the direction of creative agency DDB&CO, CNN has recently started a new campaign in Turkey. Translated as “Stories With The Full Background”, the campaign features three different posters each presenting both sides of the story such hidden agendas and correlating factors. Among the global personalities and events reflective of CNN’s objective reporting are the American economy & Yassir Arafat, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and finally the War in Iraq & the pursuit of oil."
"Under the direction of creative agency DDB&CO, CNN has recently started a new campaign in Turkey. Translated as “Stories With The Full Background”, the campaign features three different posters each presenting both sides of the story such hidden agendas and correlating factors. Among the global personalities and events reflective of CNN’s objective reporting are the American economy & Yassir Arafat, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and finally the War in Iraq & the pursuit of oil."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Michael Irvin gets excited about 'The U'.
Just watch Michael Irvin as the meth begins coursing through his veins at the end. lol
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Didier Drogba
I know this article is a little late, but it is still more important than ever.
Read more: TIME
If soccer is a religion in England, then the Slug and Lettuce pub in Putney is its Vatican. There, over warm beer and soggy fries, middle-aged men pontificate on everything from the inherent sinfulness of the offside trap to the fallibility of Wayne Rooney's left foot. But like church officials confronted with Galileo's telescope, football's high priests can't quite make sense of Didier Drogba. "He's a weapon, not a footballer," says one. "A specimen," says another. "The scariest footballer in the world."
Drogba, 32, a striker for England's Chelsea Football Club and the captain of the Côte d'Ivoire team, has shown the world what's possible when power and grace fuse on the soccer pitch. Imagine the body of an NBA star with feet as nimble as a prima ballerina's. When the World Cup kicks off in South Africa in June, he will carry the hopes of a continent as Africa's best-known soccer star. (West African fans will toast him with a beer glass called the Drogba. It's nearly twice the size of a normal mug.)
No one knows the rickety and high-spirited but often heartbreaking touring bus that is African soccer better than Drogba. At the 2006 World Cup, his homeland ravaged by civil war, he organized a statement from the Elephants, as the Ivorian national team is referred to, calling for peace. Many credit the ensuing calm for allowing reconciliation to begin. At a match last March, 22 Ivorians were killed in the crush to see their beloved heroes play. After the game, Drogba resolved to donate every dollar he earns from endorsements to a charity he set up to build new hospitals in the country.
Drogba is conflicted about his stardom; the same love of No. 11 that brought Ivorians together in 2006 also led to the fatal tumult last year. "I'd like the country to ultimately be able to deal with political problems itself," he says in his soft, French-accented English. "It's not really good to depend on the win or defeat of the national team. That means there is something wrong."
On the pitch, Drogba is known for the strength with which he holds off opposing defenders; it's that awesome ability that scares and baffles the high priests at the Slug and Lettuce. But why should it surprise them? This sensitive young man already carries so much of Africa's weight on his wide, sturdy shoulders.
Read more: TIME
Recon-Zeal Transcend Goggles
Ok, I found these on Engadget, probably one of the coolest snowboard accessories I've ever seen. It brings video games and HUD to real life.
"Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? If you'll recall, we heard that Recon Instruments was fixing to up-end the winter sports goggle market in February of this year, with an optimistic-at-the-time ship date of October 2010. Lo and behold, the outfit has managed to nail its estimate, and the planet's first GPS-enabled goggles are now available to highfalutin' skiers and snowboarders. At least initially, the company will be rolling out a limited set, with two models to choose from: the $499 Transcend SPPX is fitted with an SPPX polarized and photochromic lens, while the $399 Transcend SPX features an SPX polarized lens. Aside from the fact that these probably cost less than those ho hum Oakleys in the ski shop, they're equipped with a Zeal Optics' frame design with a micro LCD display, which appears to hang approximately six feet in front of the user. That head-mounted display provides real-time feedback to the wearer, including speed, latitude / longitude, altitude, vertical distance traveled, total distance traveled, a chrono / stopwatch mode, a run-counter, temperature and time. Yeah, wow. You can bet we'll be trying to snag a set for review when we do our best impression of "hitting the slopes" post-CES"
"Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? If you'll recall, we heard that Recon Instruments was fixing to up-end the winter sports goggle market in February of this year, with an optimistic-at-the-time ship date of October 2010. Lo and behold, the outfit has managed to nail its estimate, and the planet's first GPS-enabled goggles are now available to highfalutin' skiers and snowboarders. At least initially, the company will be rolling out a limited set, with two models to choose from: the $499 Transcend SPPX is fitted with an SPPX polarized and photochromic lens, while the $399 Transcend SPX features an SPX polarized lens. Aside from the fact that these probably cost less than those ho hum Oakleys in the ski shop, they're equipped with a Zeal Optics' frame design with a micro LCD display, which appears to hang approximately six feet in front of the user. That head-mounted display provides real-time feedback to the wearer, including speed, latitude / longitude, altitude, vertical distance traveled, total distance traveled, a chrono / stopwatch mode, a run-counter, temperature and time. Yeah, wow. You can bet we'll be trying to snag a set for review when we do our best impression of "hitting the slopes" post-CES"
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - A History of Rap: Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake & The Roots - Video -
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - A History of Rap: Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake & The Roots - Video -
Just watch it, you won't regret it. Justin Timberlake shows he's, "kind of good at a lot of things". lol
Just watch it, you won't regret it. Justin Timberlake shows he's, "kind of good at a lot of things". lol
Runaway (Live) - VMA's 2010
Runaway (Live): I'm not a huge Kanye fan but man do I love this song and this performance. Watch it.
Friday, October 1, 2010
UNDFTD Lighter
I've never smoked anything, but I am a bit of a pyro and I do love UNDFTD, that's the reason I think this Zippo is so cool. Part of the brand’s accessory line for the Fall/Winter 2010 season, Undefeated released this new “Play Dirty” lighter. The lighter features an engraved graphic design over a simple silver base. Available now through colette.
Beats by Dre - PowerBeats
Powerbeats by Dr. Dre is a new series of headphones geared towards the athletic crowd who want premium sound while they exercise. Providing UV protection, sweat resistance, and ear hooks to secure the headphones in, the Powerbeats line is specifically manufactured to accommodate the rigorous workload associated with training sessions. In addition, Dr. Dre and LeBron James have joined forces to promote the line, shooting an entertaining commercial spot featuring comedian Affion Crockett. Further information on the headphones is available through the Beats by Dr. Dre website.
Beats by Dr. Dre
Beats by Dr. Dre
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Artwork of Building Form
There are some beautiful pieces of art throughout Europe, pieces of art that are filled with thousands of rabid fans. Faced paints, jerseys on, and scarfs ready to go, these people fill these stadiums every game and make these cathedrals the places they are. Below I have posted some of the top, in my opinion, arenas in all of Europe.
Imagine walking out of the tunnel to 99,000 screaming fans. Camp Nou is the biggest stadium in all of Europe and for good reason, the team taking the pitch every game is always, arguably the best team in the world. Barcelona has played on these grounds since 1957, winning most of them. The stadium capacity has varied greatly over the years, opening at 106,146, but growing to 121,749 for the 1982 FIFA World Cup. All these numbers are well over capacity, the stadium officially holds 98,722. In the coming months talks have started about further renovations to the stadium to add more seats, updating certain pieces of equipment and in the end making it the third biggest, non-racing stadium in the world behind Rungrado May Day Stadium in North Korea (150,000) and the Salt Lake Stadium in India (120,000). It held UEFA five-star stadium status which was superseded by a new system of classification. Talks were in the process to sell the practice building neighboring Camp Nou, but upon the choice of the new President, those ideas were ceased.
This massive stadium has only been open since 2007, well technically 1923. The new Wembley was built to supersede old Wembley by increasing capacity by 8,000 and creating an all-encompassing football experience to all of England and the World. Wembley in it's current state cost about $1.57 billion. The New Meadowlands Stadium in New York City is the only athletic facility in the world to cost more. Owned by the FA, it is rented out to the English National team for all home matches as well as hosting the upcoming Champions League Final in 2011. On top of those, even the NFL and the Race of Champions have been held here, yes, a race! A signature feature of the stadium, following on from the old Wembley's distinctive Twin Towers, is the 134 metres (440 ft) high Wembley Arch. With a span of 317 metres (1,040 ft), this steel arch is the longest single span roof structure in the world. As a sidenote, the stadium contains 2,618 toilets, more than any other venue in the world.
The industrial look of San Siro houses two of the best teams, not only in Italy, but in all of the world, A.C. Milan and Internazionale. Opening in 1926, it has gone through numerous renovations which has seen its capacity fluctuate from 26,000, all the way up to 100,000, and currently held at 80,074. The stadium underwent further renovations for the 1990 World Cup with $60 million being spent, bringing the stadium up to UEFA category 4 standard. As part of the renovations, the stadium became all seated, with an extra tier being added to three sides of the stadium. This entailed the building of 11 concrete towers around the outside of the stadium. Four of these concrete towers located at the corner to support a new roof which has distinctive protruding red girders. San Siro should be on any football fans list to visit before they die, especially for an Inter v. Milan match.
The ground, given the nickname the Theatre of Dreams by Bobby Charlton, has been United's permanent residence since 1910, with the exception of an eight-year absence from 1941 to 1949, following the bombing of the stadium in the Second World War. And since 1910, oh has Manchester United made it feel like home. Upon getting into the the NW side of Manchester, everything turns red. Houses, stores, even the people, everything is red and the stadium is no exception. Old Trafford's most recent expansion, which took place between July 2005 and May 2006, saw an increase of around 8,000 seats with the addition of second tiers to both the north-west and north-east quadrants of the ground. United continue to harbour plans to increase the capacity of the stadium further, with the next stage pointing to a redevelopment of the South Stand, which, unlike the rest of the stadium, remains single tier.

Allianz could be the most beautiful stadium in Europe, as well as the most technologically-advanced. The two professional Munich football clubs FC Bayern Munich and TSV 1860 München have played their home games at Allianz Arena since the start of the 2005–06 season. It was built previous to that season for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. The arena facade is constructed of 2,874 ETFE-foil air panels that are kept inflated with dry air to a differential pressure of 0.038 hPa. The panels appear white from far away but when examined closely, there are little dots on the panels. When viewed from far away, the eye combines the dots and sees white. When viewed close up however, it is possible to see through the foil. The foil has a thickness of 0.2 mm. Each panel can be independently lit with white, red, or blue light. The intention is to light the panels at each game with the colors of the respective home team, or white if the home team is the German national football team. (In the US, a similar scheme will be used for the new Meadowlands Stadium, which will light up in blue for the Giants, green for the Jets, and red for a concert.)
"The Spirit of Highbury" shrine depicting every player to have played for Arsenal during its 93 year residence at Highbury. It's murals depicting 12 "Greatest Moments" in Arsenal history around the lower concourse. The ongoing installation of eight large murals on the exterior of the stadium, each depicting 4 Arsenal legends linking arms, such that the effect of the completed design will be 32 legends in a huddle embracing the stadium. Everything about Emirates Stadium, formally Ashburton Grove, screams Arsenal FC. The new fixtures and amenities found in Holloway would make even Wembley blush. The stadium has gone through a series of renovations that make it one of the most beautiful arenas around. The details put into everything make it the building that it is and from what it sounds like there will only be more to come for this growing stadium currently holding 60,355 fans. The naming rights deal with the airline Emirates was struck in October 2004 for £100m and will last for 15 years.

El Bernabéu, re-named in honor of their former chairman Santiago Bernabéu Yeste, is one of the world's most famous and prestigious football venues. It was inaugurated on 14 December 1947 and is owned by Real Madrid C.F. It has a current capacity of 80,354 spectators. Competing with the other powerhouse in Spain, Camp Nou, these two stadiums have more history than most buildings in the world. The stadium was announced the venue for the 2010 UEFA Champions League Final in a star-studded ceremony in Nyon in 2008. However, Real Madrid was eliminated in the Round of 16 of the 2009-10 Champions League, while FC Barcelona had advanced to the semi-finals. Barça fans became obsessed with reaching the final and winning the tournament in their rival's home ground, being seen as the ultimate humiliation to Madrid. The finals for the 1982 World Cup have also been held at the Bernabéu. It is a relatively urban setting compared to the others on the list, plugged right downtown Madrid.

'Stamford Bridge' is considered to be a corruption of 'Samfordesbrigge' meaning 'the bridge at the sandy ford'. Banners adorn the stadium tucked in West London. "The Only Place To Be Every Other Saturday", from the song Blue Day, is emblazoned at the arena as well as others paying homage to the likes of Frank Lampard, John Terry, and Peter Osgood. Under Roman Abramovich's control, the club has announced that it wants to extend Stamford Bridge to around 55,000 seats, from its current capacity of 42,450. Throughout the stadium the seats, like in other arenas, have been converted into make-shift banners, the side lines reading Chelsea, while the end caps read Adidas, the teams kit sponsor. KSS Design Group (architects) designed the complete redevelopment of Stamford Bridge Stadium and its hotels, megastore, offices and residential buildings in 2003. And as of August 2010[update], 19 out of the last 24 major domestic trophies have gone to either Stamford Bridge or Old Trafford. In the future the Blues hope that this number can become more skewed towards the former and not the latter.
Camp Nou

Wembley Stadium

San Siro

Old Trafford

Allianz Arena

Emirates Stadium

El Bernabéu

Stamford Bridge

iPhone 4 Cases - The Cool, Crazy, and Different
Over the past couple weeks since getting the new iPhone I have been in search of a case that no one else has, something that will set me apart. Right now I'm settling for the standard, matte black Incase. It gets the job done, strong, light, not too over the top, but since purchasing it I have been looking for a new one, here's some I have found.
Japanese company Abee has released their first 100% aluminium case, designed to house the iPhone 4. As such the case has been dubbed “Type 01” and is an ultra thin case, measuring in at just 3mm. Equipped with a seat cushion that has a moderate repulsion soft texture, the case is shock absorbent and is anti-slip. The type 01 is now available in 6 different colors including: black, purple, gold, silver, blue and red.
Leather specialists ROBERU will update their range of products and accessories with an all new iPhone 4 case. The design ensures that you have full access to all the ports such as the camera lenses, USB port, headset jack and of course the touchscreen. The back of the case is lined with a woven back. Four colors will release in black, brown, red and green starting in September.
Case-Mate has released several neat cases including this one that also holds a couple of credit cards. Very handy when not wanting to carry a wallet. They also have cases that look like a tire, treads and all, carbon-fiber, and leather. They make hip pouches as well as a number of other iPhone 4 products and cases that are sure to come in handy.
Japanese company Abee has released their first 100% aluminium case, designed to house the iPhone 4. As such the case has been dubbed “Type 01” and is an ultra thin case, measuring in at just 3mm. Equipped with a seat cushion that has a moderate repulsion soft texture, the case is shock absorbent and is anti-slip. The type 01 is now available in 6 different colors including: black, purple, gold, silver, blue and red.
Leather specialists ROBERU will update their range of products and accessories with an all new iPhone 4 case. The design ensures that you have full access to all the ports such as the camera lenses, USB port, headset jack and of course the touchscreen. The back of the case is lined with a woven back. Four colors will release in black, brown, red and green starting in September.
Case-Mate has released several neat cases including this one that also holds a couple of credit cards. Very handy when not wanting to carry a wallet. They also have cases that look like a tire, treads and all, carbon-fiber, and leather. They make hip pouches as well as a number of other iPhone 4 products and cases that are sure to come in handy.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sweet Old School Look on Luggage
In 1950, Rimowa presented the first-ever corrugated aluminum case, which quickly became the preferred case of the traveling elite, thanks to its lightweight, superior construction. Recreating those styles from yesteryear, the Cologne-based company now present its new vintage series. Limited to a production run of 1,950 pieces, the series is offered in six different sizes—small suitcases to large travel pieces. Each numbered case is made of aircraft aluminum (duraluminium) and lined in a deep blue moiré interior, staying true to the aesthetics of the original versions. The handles are carved from a single block of aluminum, the result of a complicated, painstaking construction process, and the “retro” style locks display the case’s count within the 1,950 piece series stamped into the aluminum. The vintage series will be available exclusively in Rimowa stores worldwide starting December 2010.
Found Here: Rimowa
Found Here: Rimowa
Monday, September 27, 2010
Jay-Z shows the Rest of the Forbes 400 How to Dress
The most delightful thing in the Forbes 400, our annual ranking of the 400 richest people in America? The photograph of dapper rapper Jay-Z and billionaire investor Warren Buffett (No. 2 on our list) drinking strawberry malts and chatting about business, success and philanthropy with Steve Forbes. Perhaps Jay-Z picked up some investing tips during the time he spent with Buffett, or maybe the Oracle of Omaha picked up some of the hip hop mogul’s sartorial savvy. Come to think of it, most of the billionaires on our list (ehem, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg) could learn a thing or two about dressing from Jay-Z–who really stepped up his game for his meeting with Buffett. Let’s take a look.
I want to point out that Jay-Z does not look at all trendy here. He is wearing a classic suit in a conservative color–navy blue–that is not cut too slim (as is the fashion now) but that fits him, a simple detail that manages to elude even the wealthiest businessmen. The first fashion lesson to glean from Jay-Z: Get a tailor.
Second, show some cuff. Notice the length of the jacket sleeve: he’s showing about an inch–perhaps a bit more–of his white shirt cuff underneath. I can’t tell if he’s wearing cufflinks, but if he is, extra points to him.
Third, wear a pocket square. I don’t know why more men don’t wear pocket squares: They can easily individualize and spruce up any old suit. And they’re so versatile–they can make you look polished and professional or dandy-ish and outrageous, depending on your preference. Jay-Z’s is a vibrant Dutch blue, like his tie, but not in the same pattern–ties and pocket squares should compliment, but not match, each other.
And last, I love the tie. It’s not what I would pick out for someone to wear, but it has a lot of personality without being overly loud. The fact that the tie is blue plaid and has some navy to tie it down to the navy suit helps. Again, Jay-Z shows that he doesn’t care so much about trends by opting for a wider tie. But the look is great on him, and it helps him stand out from the crowd.
So, billionaires, businessmen, aspiring media and entertainment moguls. Look at this photo of Jay-Z: study it, memorize it, tape it to your closet door, learn from it.
Courtesy of
Read the Whole Conversation: Here
Sunday, September 26, 2010
K'naan - Wavin' Flag Live (World Cup Anthem)
In light of FIFA 11 being released in a couple days I had to post this video, K'naan live in South Africa performing his hit song Wavin' Flag for the World Cup. Anyone who has played 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa has heard this song, it's the song at the start of the game. This is a catchy tune with a great message, enjoy.
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