Sunday, August 29, 2010

UM's Bailey is the Pride of a Tiny Island

SAPELO ISLAND, Ga. —The ferry leaves at 8 a.m., and by 7:30 the dock already has the feel of a middle-school field trip. A group of retired Californians lines up in the early-morning heat, talking. A few University of Georgia students stand with backpacks, laughing.

There's a middle-aged couple going to stay at the mansion-turned-hotel, a handful of day workers, some state park employees and a few of the residents who live in the remote island's lone community, Hog Hammock.

"Why are you going to the island?" asks the ferry's first mate, selling $1 tickets and holding a clipboard.

"To see Allen Bailey," I say....

Read the whole story here: Hyde: UM's Bailey is pride of tiny island - South Florida

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