Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1/25/2011 - Linkin Park Concert

This past week I attended Linkin Park's A Thousand Suns Tour at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI. I was impressed to say the least. I'll start with the openers, Does It Offend You, Yeah? and Pendulum. Both were sort of techno, dance, electronic bands with a TON of energy. At the beginnings of both of their sets I was kind of turned off to their sound but both grew on me fast. The accompanying light shows were crazy too. All in all they both put on remarkable shows. In fact, I have recently bought DIOY,Y?'s album and Pendulums newest one and love both.

Which brings me the Linkin Park. They brought the house down. Earlier I posted about attending the Home and Home Series, Jay-Z and Eminem, at Comerica Park. Given that show was life-altering and probably one of the biggest concerts in history, it wasn't like this one. The biggest problem with the H. and H. series was that the sound was slightly messed up since a baseball stadium isn't ideal for a concert. The sound of the LP concert was amazing. No reverb or feedback from the walls or seats at all, which I have to give mad props to the sound guys. They played 22 songs, which is a HUGE setlist and what was even better was that the entire crowd knew the words to literally every song. My favorite parts had to be Bleed It Out with the add-in of Place For My Head and One Step Closer to end it all. Brilliant performance by them and I was dumbfounded by how Chester could keep screaming and still have such a clear voice for over and hour and a half, amazing.

The last part I want to talk about was their promo for the concert. Between sets they offered a number to text, 50505 or something and you text LPSET or something to it. You got a text back asking for your email and you send that back. I did it during the show and never thought anything of it. I received an email the next morning telling me I could download the set from that night. Again, never thought anything of it. Received a second email saying it was ready, clicked the link and a file downloaded. To my surprise, I opened the file and the contents kind of shocked me. They had created a custom album cover for the concert, split their set into MP3's for each song and included a picture of each band member and the setlist actually used that night. I've never heard of any other band doing this and thought it was pretty neat.

Below is one of the videos from the concert I shot. It gives you a point-of-view from where I sat. Also is the picture of Chester (one of 6 total pictures included) that was in the folder that downloaded. You can see banners of the Red Wings championships above him in the background. So it shows they aren't just generic photos. Click here for the other videos.

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