Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall 2010 Semester

After sitting through all my classes at least once, I have already started to figure them out;

BUS 300 (Business Stats) - This class is going to be extremely easy due to the way he does homework, quizzes, and exams. He pretty much tells us all the answers to everything we do. I may not be learning too much but should be an easier class. Predicted Grade: A

FIN 302 (Financial Analysis) - One of the more difficult classes, especially due to her random quizzes and excessive amounts of reading. She is a sweet, old lady who wants us to learn though so it shouldn't be too bad. Predicted Grade: A-/B+

BUS 301 (Integrated Business Exp.) - This is probably the most boring class I have had at Central, period. I have never really been too interested in SAP and databases to begin with, but this could be a struggle. The fact that I have a computer in front of me to use will get me through this class. Predicted Grade: B+

PES 550 (Sports Fundraising) - This class confuses me, I want it to be fun and exciting but I don't know if it is. This class is still up in the air but I hope it's going to be fun. Just wish I knew more people in it.

MGT 303 (Supply Chain Mgmt.) - This prof is very strict but at the same time I know he serious about what he's teaching so that's always a plus. The idea of supply chain will be important no matter what I am doing in the future so I'm kind of forced to pay attention. Predicted Grade: A/A-

MKT 304 (Marketing Mgmt.) - This is probably going to be my favorite class because the prof is so energetic to teach and it's a great topic. Hope to learn a lot in this one. Predicted Grade: A

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