Monday, September 13, 2010

Calvin Johnson's "Not" Touchdown

I live in Michigan, I've been here for a while, but I have never been a Detroit Lions fan. The way they run the organization, their lack of decision-making and thought in drafting players, them in general. But watching the Bears v. Lions game today made me feel for them. Lets face it, they have been beyond terrible for a very long time (thanks Barry Sanders), but the call made today put it at an all time low. Calvin Johnson was blatantly ROBBED of a touchdown due to bullshit run created by the NFL. I understand the thought of the rule when a player in the field, but in the endzone, NO, just NO. He obviously made the catch, landed and scored. It was a disappointment to Pro Football and the refs at the game to make this call. Just another reason to watch college football.

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