Friday, September 10, 2010

Seattle Sounders Crowd

 Last night I watched the MLS Game of the Week on ESPN 2, the Seattle Sounders played Real Salt Lake. The game was nothing short of average, but what caught my attention was the crowd. Never have I seen an entire stadium so organized and into a game. There were 36,078 people there last night, that was BELOW their season average, and the place gave the Big House or the Swamp a run for their money. They had the equivalent of student sections at each end, behind each goal. These sections lead cheers and chants that echoed through the whole stadium and I'm sure through Greater Seattle. It looked as if about 35,000 were wearing the team colors: Sounder Blue, Rave Green. and Cascade Shale.

I was taken back by how into and knowledgeable the fans were of the game. They knew what were good calls, when they should play on, and where every one "should" be positions. These diehards went as far as treating corner kicks the same as college student sections treat free throws, spirit fingers and all. I know I've never been to a Sounders game, nor do I have any plans to in the near future, but these people made me want to drive out to Seattle for the next game, throw on some face paint, and sing right along with them (did I mention they have made their own songs?).

Below I posted some pictures I've found online, these guys would give some European clubs a run for their money, and the funny thing is, they still have room to improve, they are 5th in the Western Conference of the MLS. Even with their performance on the field I'd have to say Drew Carey and Paul Allen, some of the owners (yes the guy from the Price Is Right and the guy who helped start Microsoft) are pretty happy with their team.

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