Thursday, September 9, 2010

NCAA Athletic Finances, Coaches Salaries and Merchandise Sales

I one of my classes today we were shown a couple of cool databases USA Today has put together giving out information regarding how much schools spend on athletics, where the revenues come from, and how much their coaches really are paid. With the coaches salaries even comes a copy of each contract that coach signed and all the clauses in it. I also included a list of the top schools in ranking how much merchandise was sold for the 2009 year.

Athletic Finances in the NCAA - FBS Division

Coaches Salaries for 2009 

University Merchandise Sales

Points of Interest
- The University of Tennessee pays their assistant coaches more than any other Division 1 school in the country.

- Kirk Ferentz of Iowa has the 2nd highest salary of any D-1 coach, but because of bonuses and other incentives he is actually the 9th highest paid coach of 2009.

- Gary Patterson is the highest paid non-BCS coach at $1,800,000 in 2009, which puts him 33rd on the list.

- The University of Texas sold over $10,000,000 in merchandise in 2009, up from last year's sales and keeping them at #1 on the list.

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